Saturday, August 18, 2012

La Familia en la República Dominicana: A lot changes in 3 years, but the important stuff stays...

Dominican Republic, 2012
Last week, the month of August brought me to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, for a family vacation.  With all the time I spend on the road, it's hard to believe this was the first real "do nothing" vacation I've had in over two years!  Three years ago, in 2009, my cousins Mary and Nancy invited me to join them and their respective families in Cancun, Mexico for an all-inclusive vacation.  Mexico was so memorable, that everyone, including my Aunt and Uncle, have always talked about doing another family all-inclusive vacation as an encore, which we finally did last week in Dominican Republic.  To share with you the highlights of this family vacation in Dominican Republic (D.R.), I've decided to do it with a twist, that embodies the spirit of my family, as well as some reflection.  Thus, bringing me to the title of this posting...As I was flipping through my album of Dominican Republic pictures, a light bulb went off in my head to take a look back at my 2009 pictures from Mexico!  As such, this posting will highlight my time in Dominican Republic by doing a "what's changed, what's still the same" comparison of Dominican Republic (Now, 2012) versus Mexico (Before, 2009).

So, what's changed?  To state the obvious, the location!  This time, we stayed at "The Dreams" Resort in Punta Cana, and before we were at the "Marina El Cid" in Cancun.  Both properties were nice, but the general consensus from the family was that the beach and the overall layout at the El Cid in Mexico was better.  There was no suite option this time, so we missed having the extra space of a living room to congregate.  And, this time around we were facing the Atlantic side of the island, so the waters were a bit choppier than the Gulf of Mexico.  However, the primary buffet restaurant at Dreams had better food and more selection than what we had in Mexico.

Punta Cana (2012)
Cancun (2009)
Next most obvious change?  We have a new addition to the family!  4 month-old Ayden joined the gang to make us a group of 13 in total in Punta Cana -- as I've been saying, it was the "Asian invasion of D.R."  So, my Aunt & Uncle now have 6 grandchildren between Mary and Nancy's families, while there was only 5 in 2009...Look how fast the 5 older kids have grown!

6 grand-kids in 2012

5 grand-kids in 2009
This time around, the swimmer-in-training in the pool was Ayden.  Before, it was Brady.  Ayden can say his first trip was at 4 months old, while Brady was slightly over a year-old when we took him to Mexico.  Still just as cute...
Ayden (2012)

Brady (2009)

Nancy & Mike's family has gotten bigger....
Team Kam in 2012
Team Kam in 2009

Mary & Eric's family has grown, in, grown older & wiser (both parents & kids) hehe....
Team Lo in 2012

Team Lo in 2009 (with 2 "adopted" Kam kids)

Ryan's no longer "Mommy's Baby," being replaced by Ayden, hehe...
"Mommy's Baby" (2012)

"Mommy's Baby" (2009)

I have a new "little man" to take pictures with...different baby, but they're in same swimmers...
Me & Ayden (2012)
Me & Brady (2009)
Perhaps I've aged a little, can't see it here, but I know I see more grey hairs in the mirror every morning than I did 3 years ago...

Dominican Republic (2012)
Mexico (2009)
That's a lot of change in a span of 3 years!  So, what stayed the same (or close to staying unchanged)???

First off, my family's continued sense of adventure, especially as it pertains to water activities.  Apparently, we have an infatuation with taking boats into open water...I love how my 60+ year-old Aunt is at the forefront in dragging us to do all these things...Being just an okay swimmer, few people could talk me into doing these things, my Aunt being one of them.
Banana Boat (2012)
Kayaks (2009)

We're still a competitive bunch.....
Family Water Volleyball Game (2012)

Family Water Volleyball Game (2009)

For an "old married" couple, Mary & Eric are still love birds...
Old Married Couple (2012)
Old Married Couple (2009)
Kelly seems to have a certain "luck" of having encounters with sea creatures that result in injury.  On our last day in Dominican Republic, she managed to step on a sea urchin and got the spikes stuck on her foot.  The medical staff at the resort couldn't get all the splinters out and wanted to take her to a local clinic, but we saw how third-world it was outside the resort from our ride to the property, we told her to suck it up for the 24 hours until we would arrive home, as we didn't want to risk her contracting some sort of infection from being treated at who-knows what kind of clinic.  It was deja-vu of her jellyfish sting in Mexico....We couldn't have planned this even if we wanted to!

Kelly soaking her feet due to sea urchin spikes (2012)
Kelly had Kyle pee on the jellyfish sting on her back (2009)
I still love my time with the kids playing in the pool....though, they don't always stay so little.  Hopefully, I'll still have Ayden around as the baby next time around...

Poolside 2012
Poolside 2009
I'm grateful everyday for the bond I have with my cousins Mary and Nancy -- we have different parents, but they've been sisters to me in every way that counts...the closest I can get just shy of the "real" thing....

3 Musketeers in Dominican Republic (2012)
3 Musketeers in Mexico (2009)
So, as I stroll down memory lane for both family trips, my conclusion is that a lot can change in 3 years' time, but the important stuff all stays the same.  But, the thing that sticks out most, is how much we've all grown.  From the kids to the adults, you can see through the pictures we've all grown and matured both physically and through our demeanor, intangibly, as well.   And, not to be forgotten in these highlights, we know how to have fun!  

Taking a look back at both family vacations, I'm reminded how fortunate I am that my Aunt & Uncle, along with Mary & Nancy, have really "adopted" me into their family.  With my mom's fragile health, it's impossible for me to convince my folks to take family vacations, so I'm even more grateful to Mary & Nancy's family for inviting me to be apart of their vacations in every aspect -- never making me feel like an "outsider."  

And, as an added bonus, the kids have really become a fixture in my life.  Although they make me feel my age when I'm around them, I also get to see how much I've been able to grow, alongside with them.

6 fixtures in my Life (2012)
Dominican Republic 2012 was a successful sequel to Mexico 2009.  Question is, will we turn it into a trilogy someday???  I sure hope so!  It would be interesting to see how we will have changed in another 3 years....That said, to be continued....
Dominican Republic, 2012

1 comment:

  1. I love this post~ And it's great how you have these pictures from last time to compare. It's almost as if you planned it that way. Sounds like it was an awesome time with much quality time with family. Our parents aren't big fans of family trips so I can't say we've gone on many. It would be great if we could all go somewhere with our kids as a group. Glad you had such a great time!
