Monday, July 30, 2012

München: A Maß of Beer is a lot of Beer!

At the Hofbrauhaus

This past weekend, July brought me to München (Munich), where I got to learn that a Maß (Liter) of beer is a lot of beer, and I got the full experience of what it really means to drink from a very heavy beer mug!  After visiting Frankfurt, Germany several times in the past year for work, I decided the beer lover that I am should finally make a pilgrimage to the beer capital of the world: Munich!  No beer boondoggle would be complete without an accomplice, and of course, I had to ask my good friend, Lisa, to come along with me as my beer partner-in-crime for a weekend in Munich.  If there’s anyone out there who could possibly love beer as much as me (or maybe even more than me, which is hard to imagine possible), it would be Lisa.....So, if I were to summarize Munich, it would be as follows….

First, the historic sights and ornate architecture of the city.  Prior to the trip, I made sure to research all the top sights around Munich and while we weren’t able to squeeze in everything in a weekend, we managed to see a lot (albeit via lots of walking and getting well-acquainted with the public transit system).

Site of Oktoberfest Grounds
Second, would definitely have to be the Biergartens, of course!  From the get go, this was my primary purpose of paying a visit to Munich, and it’s definitely an experience that no other city can offer.  There are so many Biergartens all over Munich, and we managed to make it to four of the most popular Biergartens.  Each one offered a unique experience, but they all shared the same buzz amongst the crowds and a sense emulating from everyone that it’s okay to indulge in beer and food.  With the communal tables and self-service food stations, everything was just about the simple way of life.

Chinesischer Turm



Speaking of food, that is worth of its own category.  I had heard a lot about Bavarian food via colleagues and through books, but nothing can prepare you for how heavy it really is.  An iconic dish of Munich is the "Schweinshaxe" (a.k.a. pork knuckle) -- it's this huge piece of pork from a portion of the pig's leg.  They offer it at all the Biergartens, and picking at just one knuckle was enough to have Lisa and I feel like we were on meat-overload the whole weekend.  We were both a bit disappointed that the city didn't offer more variety of food other than heavy meats and potatoes.  



With beer gardens, there's of course beer - lots and lots of it.  I came to Munich looking for beer:  mission accomplished.  I'll always remember the gigantic Maß beer mugs and how I could barely even grasp one without my arms hurting.  And, I’ll never forget the sense of “accomplishment” after emptying one of those Liter glasses.  I still can’t believe all the empty mugs us two tiny Asian girls were able to go through….



Last, but not least, probably the best part of the weekend was just being able to enjoy good beer in the good company of one of my best friends….So, while the food lacked variety, the tourist sights a little exhausting to get to, and encounters with some not-so-hospitable locals, the beer and the presence of a near-and-dear friend more than compensated for the shortcomings.  And, for that, I’ll always have fond memories of my weekend spent in München….Cheers!


  1. Wow I'm proud that you were able to get this written within 24 hours of arrival. This post summed our trip up perfectly. I feel as though I experienced the best of the city and the best thing the city had to offer(BEER)with the best company who could truly appreciate it as much as I did. Thanks for the invite, all the planning, and the memories. It was an unforgettable trip. Now we can say (along with many other fond memories) that we will always have Munich.

  2. What a wonderful blog! If I was more savvy, I would write a travel blog as well! For now, Facebook will do. Your trp looked amazing. I can't believe that you guys got all of that accomplished in just a weekend! Wow!

  3. very entertaining looking at all of the pics :) does that mean you ladies are beered out for awhile??

    1. Only until next Tuesday when I get to D.R...

  4. Sounds like it was a jammed packed trip with much fun. I can't believe you guys were able to chug so much beer. Lisa was telling me the beer was delish. Too bad the food was so so. Hmmm did Lisa get me a souvenir? hehehe~
